
Thursday, April 14, 2011

We are planting native grass seeds on the new Homefields property to anchor down the soil in the waterway. Scott, Law Reh and Elizabeth planted Purple Love Grass (Eragrostis spectabillis) and Indian Grass (Sorghastrum nutans). Scott holds approximately 3,000 Purple Love Grass seeds in his hand (just a wild estimate!)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bob's newest creation is a vacuum powered seeding box that allows us to plant 128 tiny seeds in one fell swoop. This is how we will seed our spring brassicas like cabbage and bok choy.

The farm crew gears up for another great season.

First blooms of spring on the farm.

Spring cleaning at the farm! Brad gets the second greenhouse ready for the spring transplants.

Farmer Scott planting a persimmon tree on the first day of spring.

Our shiny new spader! This is the workhorse that will prepare many of our fields and create a beautiful crumb layer of soil for planting.