Hello from the farm,
This week we are anticipating the cool air of fall that is to come, watching the cover crops emerge happily to the tune of warm soil and plenty of moisture, and continuing to prepare fields for their winter carpet of grains, legumes and radishes. Nice job getting them started Elizabeth, they look great!
The unrenlenting wet weather took its toll on the pumpkin "handles" and caused many squash and pumpkins to spoil in the field and while curing. Nevertheless, we still harvested many, and are grateful for the generous number who persevered.
The warm fall is delivering an anachronistic bounty of green, yellow and Roma beans, the greens and salad turnips are going great guns, the baby bok choi and napas are doing splendidly, the arugula and cilantro are harvestable, and the salad turnips are soon to be ready--next week perhaps.
Fall Potluck: This Saturday evening.
4:30 Children's Activities
5:00 Dinner--bring a hot or cold dish to share--farm veggie inspired if possible
6:00-8:00 Music around the Campfire with Bon Accord
what to bring: hot or cold dish, chairs, flashlight in case of inclement weather, check for an email message or call 871-3110

Thank you Kim and Elizabeth for Perfect Potluck Preparation!
Won't the cold weather in October end the harvest?
No, cool season crops are happy into November and sometimes beyond. Sustained freezes of 25 degrees or below are usually the death knell for them in later November and December.
When is the Final Harvest of the Season? November 10,11,12
--after that final week, self-harvest will be available until the crops freeze out

Long Island Cheese squash are Festive
Hope you are enjoying the autumn harvest,
Your farmers
This week we are anticipating the cool air of fall that is to come, watching the cover crops emerge happily to the tune of warm soil and plenty of moisture, and continuing to prepare fields for their winter carpet of grains, legumes and radishes. Nice job getting them started Elizabeth, they look great!
The unrenlenting wet weather took its toll on the pumpkin "handles" and caused many squash and pumpkins to spoil in the field and while curing. Nevertheless, we still harvested many, and are grateful for the generous number who persevered.
The warm fall is delivering an anachronistic bounty of green, yellow and Roma beans, the greens and salad turnips are going great guns, the baby bok choi and napas are doing splendidly, the arugula and cilantro are harvestable, and the salad turnips are soon to be ready--next week perhaps.
Fall Potluck: This Saturday evening.
4:30 Children's Activities
5:00 Dinner--bring a hot or cold dish to share--farm veggie inspired if possible
6:00-8:00 Music around the Campfire with Bon Accord
what to bring: hot or cold dish, chairs, flashlight in case of inclement weather, check for an email message or call 871-3110
Thank you Kim and Elizabeth for Perfect Potluck Preparation!
Won't the cold weather in October end the harvest?
No, cool season crops are happy into November and sometimes beyond. Sustained freezes of 25 degrees or below are usually the death knell for them in later November and December.
When is the Final Harvest of the Season? November 10,11,12
--after that final week, self-harvest will be available until the crops freeze out
Long Island Cheese squash are Festive
Hope you are enjoying the autumn harvest,
Your farmers