
Thursday, October 27, 2016

Notes from Your Farm: Frost & Survey Time!

Hello from the Farm,   

Shareholder Pick-Up Times
Thursday 3:00pm - 7:00pm
Friday 11:00am - 7:00pm
Saturday 9:00am - 1:00pm

Last week I talked about a light frost happening here at the farm but now I can say we had a freezing here at the farm!  Tuesday night / Wednesday morning temperatures got down to 32 degrees in some areas, including Millersville.  This freeze killed off the last of our summer crops, the flowers, tomatoes, and peppers in the PYO Field.  The last survivors of the PYO Field are some of the herbs.  Make sure to check out the last of the herbs this week because they may not be there next week!  

Survey time!  Yes it is coming to the end of the season and this is when we want your input.  Please fill out a survey before the season ends so we can read your comments and make changes that will better the farm for next year.  We will have the surveys out until the last week of harvest. There is also an online option for taking the survey.  

Here is the link that will take you to the online survey:

Final Harvest Week
Our last week for vegetable pick up will be on November 10, 11, and 12. Only 2 more harvest weeks to go!  

Fall Harvest Evening - Thank you!
A BIG thank you to everyone that came out on Friday night to our Fall Harvest Evening event! Even though it was raining we had loads of fun hanging out in the greenhouses, eating, making scarecrows, carving potatoes and radishes, coloring, figuring out what was in the pumpkins, and drinking warm cider!

Here are some photos from the event:

Pollinator Garden - Bring your Seeds to Us!
We would still love to have your beneficial plant seeds added to our pollinator garden!  Just bring them in when you are picking up your veggies.

Sullenberger Services
Have you seen any difference in the landscape around the farm?!  Many unwanted shrubs, weeds, and poison ivy is being removed by Bruce Sullenberger.  He is also the creator of the Poison Ivy Preventative that we let you use earlier in the season.  Bruce maintains gardens and brush removal if you are needing any assistance on cleaning out your backyard. His number is (717) 278-0839.     

Abendesson Bread
No bread this week.  There will be a survey this week to see what two types of bread should be made for the last two weeks here at the farm.  All you have to do is check which two you want on a tally sheet here at the farm.    

Harvest List
Potatoes - cut them in small pieces, add to boiling water until soft, smash them, add some herbs, and now you have mashed potatoes! yumm!

Beans - eat raw, cooked, or sauteed

Kale - eat raw in a salad, steam to make a side dish, or make kale chips!

Arugula - perfect for sandwiches, salads or steaming

Asian Greens - can be used in a stir fry by adding chiles, garlic, peanut oil, and possibly adding some salt. Also, the greens could simply make a yummy salad.

Collards - steam, use the leaf a tortilla wrap

Swiss chard - sauteed, steam, use in soup

Radishes - cut raw, add to salad, sauteed, or put in a sandwich 

Turnips - cook in a skillet with olive oil and garlic until soft, or eat raw

Pawpaws - cut the pawpaw in half, scoop out the soft fruit inside, do not eat the seeds or skin.

Asian Pears - this fruit is basically a mix between an apple and a pear.

Onions - great to add to cooked potatoes, salad, or any other meal.

Peppers - eat raw, put in salads, sauteed, or stuff the peppers with hamburger and rice, delicious!

Garlic - bake, roast, boil, or eat it raw in salad.  Helps to prevent cancer, colds, and stabilizes cholesterol levels.

A potato carving from our Fall Harvest Evening event.

Happy Halloween,
Your Farmers

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Notes from Your Farm: Fall Harvest Evening, Beans, Frost, & Pollinators!

Hello from the Farm,   

Shareholder Pick-Up Times
Thursday 3:00pm - 7:00pm
Friday 11:00am - 7:00pm
Saturday 9:00am - 1:00pm

In the past week there was a couple chances of frost then a burst of warmer weather - it was strange sweating in October.  During the cold temperatures we were able to cover our beans before a light frost happened last weekend so we could have them for this week! These tender beans will be a perfect side to any dish.  Some of the flowers and crops in the PYO Field were affected by the frost that happened last week. The Zinnias are very few, Tomato plants were burned by the frost, and some of the herbs are dying off from the long season.  Take advantage of the PYO Field because temperatures will soon be falling!  Get it, falling...Fall?!?

One plant filled with beans!  This is why we had to save them from the frost!

For shareholders picking up this Saturday, Oct. 22 there will be a Parade in Millersville.  
Meaning many streets will be blocked off from the parade. Please take Route 999, turn on to North Duke St., which will connect you to Letort Road as a detour.  Parade will mainly be happening on George St., Landis Ave., and Herr Ave.  

Final Harvest Week
Our last week for vegetable pick up will be on November 10, 11, and 12. Only 3 more harvest weeks to go!  

Fall Harvest Evening - This Friday!
Friday, Oct. 21 - 4-7pm Stop in Anytime! - at Goodwill at Homefields Farm

Activities will be held from 4-6pm (will happen rain or shine!)
Snacks & Drinks, Scarecrow Making, Photo Station, Leaf Print Coloring, Scavenger Hunt, and Nature Mystery Box

Campfire will be held from 6-7pm (weather permitting) 
Bring a Flashlight and Bring s'more and hot dog supplies if you want to cook around the campfire

Pollinator Garden - Bring your Seeds to Us!
Last week I posted four native plants that attract pollinators.  Below are another four plants that could be in your backyard.  If these plants are going to seed on your property we would love to add them to our garden!


Dwarf Blazing Star:

Coastal Plain Joe Pye:

Swamp Milkweed:

This information was found on (on Table 2) which is a Penn State Extension website about a pollinator garden trial.  This pollinator garden trial, mentioned in the website, is being done at the Southeast Agricultural Research and Extension Center located in Landisville.  It is open to the public to check out!

Listed above are only a few plants that you might be able to find on your property.  Click on the Penn State Extension website, then find Table 2, that has a list of more native plants that attract pollinators.

Sullenberger Services
Have you seen any difference in the landscape around the farm?!  Many unwanted shrubs, weeds, and poison ivy is being removed by Bruce Sullenberger.  He is also the creator of the Poison Ivy Preventative that we let you use earlier in the season.  Bruce maintains gardens and brush removal if you are needing any assistance on cleaning out your backyard. His number is (717) 278-0839.     

Abendesson Bread
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bread - Great for making French Toast! - $5 a loaf

Harvest List
Potatoes - cut them in small pieces, add to boiling water until soft, smash them, add some herbs, and now you have mashed potatoes! yumm!

Beans - eat raw, cooked, or sauteed

Asian Greens - can be used in a stir fry by adding chiles, garlic, peanut oil, and possibly 
adding some salt. Also, the greens could simply make a yummy salad.

Pawpaws - cut the pawpaw in half, scoop out the soft fruit inside, do not eat the seeds or skin.

Asian Pears - this fruit is basically a mix between an apple and a pear.

Onions - great to add to cooked potatoes, salad, or any other meal.

Peppers - eat raw, put in salads, sauteed, or stuff the peppers with hamburger and rice, delicious!

Garlic - bake, roast, boil, or eat it raw in salad.  Helps to prevent cancer, colds, and stabilizes cholesterol levels.

Edamame - remove beans from pod, eat raw, or garnish with a seasoning 

Winter Squash - cut squash in half, remove stem, put butter, salt, or pepper on cut halves, then place them cut side down on a baking sheet, put in oven until soft, then enjoy!

See you at the Fall Harvest Evening event!,

Your Farmers

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Notes from Your Farm: Final Harvest Week & Beneficial Plants

Hello from the Farm,   

Shareholder Pick-Up Times
Thursday 3:00pm - 7:00pm
Friday 11:00am - 7:00pm
Saturday 9:00am - 1:00pm

The season is flying by!  We are now in mid-October with the weather getting colder and the leaves changing color.  Tuesday morning we had a light frost here at the farm.  We did not see much damage in the PYO Field or in our final summer crops.  This just means a hard frost is right around the river bend!  During this time of year we are thinking about the Final Harvest Week.  The Final Harvest Week is predicted to be on November 10, 11, and 12. Cannot believe there are only 4 more harvest weeks in the season!

Blueberry leaves changing to their deep red coloring from the colder weather.  A new season is here!

Pollinator Garden - How you can help!
It would be great to have a collection of seeds from shareholders here at the farm that can be added to our pollinator garden.  Here are a few native plants that you might find in your backyard that attracts pollinators.  If these plants are going to seed on your property we would love to add them to our garden!

Clustered Mountain Mint is known to attract a huge amount of pollinators: 

Stiff Goldenrod:

Rattlesnake Master:

Gray Goldenrod:

This information was found on (on Table 2) which is a Penn State Extension website about a pollinator garden trial.  This pollinator garden trial, mentioned in the website, is being done at the Southeast Agricultural Research and Extension Center located in Landisville.  It is open to the public to check out!

Listed above are only a few plants that you might be able to find on your property.  Click on the Penn State Extension website, then find Table 2, that has a list of more native plants that attract pollinators.

Fall Harvest Evening - Coming Soon! 
Friday, Oct. 21 - 4pm-7pm drop in at anytime - at Goodwill at Homefields Farm - There will be Fall activities for all ages, refreshments, and a campfire.  Fall Activities will be held form 4pm-6pm. Campfire for all will be from 6pm-7pm.

If you would want to volunteer at this event please send me an email! You would be managing a Fall Activities stand. 

Have you seen any difference in the landscape around the farm?!  Many unwanted shrubs, weeds, and poison ivy is being removed by Bruce Sullenberger.  He is also the creator of the Poison Ivy Preventative that we let you use earlier in the season.  Bruce maintains gardens and brush removal if you are needing any assistance on cleaning out your backyard.  His number is (717) 278-0839.     

Abendesson Bread
English Muffins - Amazing taste and texture! - $5 a half dozen bag
     *Limited amount on Thursday

Harvest List
Winter Squash - cut squash in half, remove stem, put butter, salt, or pepper on cut halves, then place them cut side down on a baking sheet, put in oven until soft, then enjoy!

Potatoes - cut them in small pieces, add to boiling water until soft, smash them, add some herbs, and now you have mashed potatoes! yumm!

Edamame - remove beans from pod, eat raw, or garnish with a seasoning 

Collards - use as a tortilla, cook down for a side dish, add to salads or soup

Lettuce - salads, sandwiches, steamed dishes, or soups

Pawpaws - cut the pawpaw in half, scoop out the soft fruit inside, do not eat the seeds or skin.

Asian Pears - this fruit is basically a mix between an apple and a pear.

Onions - great to add to cooked potatoes, salad, or any other meal 

Tomatoes - slice them, dice them, or just bite them.  I personally just eat them like an apple.

Peppers - eat raw, put in salads, sauteed, or stuff the peppers with hamburger and rice, delicious!

Eggplant - can be pan fried, grilled, or microwaved till tender

Garlic - bake, roast, boil, or eat it raw in salad.  Helps to prevent cancer, colds, and stabilizes cholesterol levels.

Love your Pollinators,

Your Farmers

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Notes from Your Farm: Jujube, Pollinator Garden, & Fall Harvest Evening

Hello from the Farm,   

Shareholder Pick-Up Times
Thursday 3:00pm - 7:00pm
Friday 11:00am - 7:00pm
Saturday 9:00am - 1:00pm

What is a Jujube you might ask?  Here at the farm we have two Jujube trees that are in fruit in the month of October.  They are native to southern Asia and also grow on the island of Madagascar.  This fruit has many beneficial minerals and has even been used as medicinal food in China.  It is crisp like an apple, with a calm flavor, but watch out it has a seed in the middle!  Don't be discouraged by the brown coloring of the fruit because this color means that it is ready to eat!

Jujubes waiting to be picked!

Pollinator Garden
The Fall is a great time to start new projects here at the farm and one of our new projects is our Pollinator Garden. We have created a small garden plot on the other side of the treeline where we are going to grow flowers that attract beneficial insects and pollinators.  This is a great thing to do especially since we are organic growers.  Right now we are collecting seed from anyone that has native beneficial plants that can be put in our garden. If you have any seeds to add to our garden please bring them when you pick up your vegetables.  
Pollinator Gardens are easily done and can be something that you add to your landscape at home.  Please ask a farmer about the pollinator garden if you have questions or just email me!

Our Garden Plot that is located on the other side of the tree line in the C fields.

Your Farmers spreading beneficial flower seeds in the garden plot!  Seed was donated by a very sweet shareholder!

Fall Harvest Evening - Coming Soon! 
Friday, Oct. 21 - 4pm-7pm drop in at anytime - at Goodwill at Homefields Farm - There will be Fall activities for all ages, refreshments, and a campfire.
If you would want to volunteer at this event please send me an email! You would be managing a Fall Activities stand. 

Our new friends here at the farm!  We were able to watch Monarch caterpillars go into their cocoon and then turn into a butterfly this week!  The butterflies that you see in this photo have been let free on the farm.  Maybe you'll see one!

Meet Your Farmers
You have met all of our Farm Help that comes on a regular basis.  These are the farmers that make your CSA possible!

Abendesson Bread
The Everything Bread - Great for Sandwiches! - $5 a loaf

Harvest List
Winter Squash - cut squash in half, remove stem, put butter, salt, or pepper on cut halves, then place them cut side down on a baking sheet, put in oven until soft, then enjoy!

Lettuce - salads, sandwiches, steamed dishes, or soups

Pawpaws - cut the pawpaw in half, scoop our the soft fruit inside, do not eat the seeds or skin.

Asian Pears - this fruit is basically a mix between an apple and a pear.

Onions - great to add to cooked potatoes, salad, or any other meal

Carrots - roast them, caramelize, carrot macaroni, or carrot cake! 

Tomatoes - slice them, dice them, or just bite them.  I personally just eat them like an apple.

Peppers - eat raw, put in salads, sauteed, or stuff the peppers with hamburger and rice, delicious!

Eggplant - can be pan fried, grilled, or microwaved till tender

Garlic - bake, roast, boil, or eat it raw in salad.  Helps to prevent cancer, colds, and stabilizes cholesterol levels.

Loving this weather,
Your Farmers