Thursday, December 15, 2011

Hello from the farm,

It seems more like winter now here at the farm as we wind down the season and winterize the fields, greenhouse, equipment, plants and buildings.  The old furnace in the barn needed to be replaced, and the heater in the greenhouse was also overhauled.  We spent some time cutting  and chipping brush and the leaning-over trees from the ever-encroaching fence rows.  Thank you to shareholder Bruce Sullenberger of Sullenberger services for once again letting us use the chipper.  If you have property caretaking needs, give Bruce a call at 284-2742.  Thank you Butch Bixler for building a hitch system which reduced the equipment jockeying steps by a factor of five when needing to move things around.

Three guys grinning about the chipper/spreader "train" 

The farm crew built well over a thousand gift boxes and we have some for sale still--email or call us about getting some. 

Self Harvest Update: 

There are plenty of radishes, red turnips, kale, collards and cabbage out there as well as cilantro, arugula and others.  We've had a few nights around 20 degrees, but mostly the fall has been fairly mild, so the crops are in good shape.  Enjoy while it lasts--the hard sustained freezes are not far off.  We've also invited Burmese refugees and Water Street Ministries to glean the fields.

Your farmers