Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Berries, Berries Everywhere

Hello from the sun-warmed farm,

Nostalgic about the fresh farm strawberries? Well, we can't make them magically reappear, at least not until next June, but perhaps even better, the blueberries and black raspberries are ripening.

Also very exciting--the electronic bird repelling box is working!

To maximize the amount and quality of the berries for everyone, it would be great if some of you would pick during the week, and others, during regular share hours as suits you.

Berry Amounts per Week:
  • Half shares: 1 half pint box berries (mixed, if you like)

  • Full shares: 2 half pint boxes berries (mixed, if you like)

  • --boxes will be at the barn--self serve Mon-Wed
  • Mon-Wed 4-7pm or during the regular pickup times on Thurs/Fri/Sat until further notice

  • Closed Sundays
Things to consider when picking:
  • Black raspberries have thorns

  • Poison ivy likes to grow under the blueberries dappled shade--leaves of 3 let them be

  • Stinging insects may be feeding on berries also
Berry Confused? The are four kinds of berries that grow on canes in Lancaster County:
  • Black Raspberry: rubus occidentalis - black, seedy, pulls off of a cap

  • Wineberry: rubus phoenicolasius - not native, brought from Japan around the turn of last century and is naturalizing up and down the eastern seaboard. Beautiful fuzzy red canes and soft translucent glowing orange red berries. Sweet-tart flavor.

  • Red Raspberry: rubus idaeus - Soft, pulls from cap, bit of strawberry-like flavor. Seeds not noticeable.

  • Blackberry: rubus fructicosus - Does not pull from a cap, larger than the others, cherry-like flavor, tart unless fall-into-your-hand ripe.



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